Proyecto de blog de aula para alumn@s y profesor@s

Saturday 19 April 2008

Learning to Speak on the Phone

Hi everyone

While I try to solve the problems I'm having to post your partner's interview, you can have a look at the following pedagogic video about learning to speak American English on the phone.

Have a nice weekend!


Anonymous said...

I think that if all American peole speak like these guys it's very easy to speak on phone!
Come on let's go to speak on phone!
Americans are a strange kind of people...

Leticia González Cepeda said...

Dear anonymous,

Thank you very much for your comment.

Well, I don't know if Americans are strange people, but the guy who has made this sketch IS strange...In fact, if you have a look at his webpage you'll see that he defines himself as WEIRD...

(weird = strikingly odd or unsual)


Anyway I hope you liked his parody of old-fashioned and unrealistic teaching methods. I learned English in that way and I found their sketch really funny!!
