Proyecto de blog de aula para alumn@s y profesor@s

Monday 21 December 2020

Friday 15 May 2020

Gertrude Stein: a short biography

 Watch the biography of Gertrude Stein and answer the questions below:

GENERAL QUESTION: how many verbs can you understand in the past simple (both regular and irregular?)

1- When was she born?
2- Where did she go to in 1903?
3- Who was Alice B Tokles?
4- When did she die?
5- What are the 4 reasons why she was so important?

Tuesday 12 May 2020

PAST SIMPLE irregular and regular verbs

Here you are a couple of webpages about the pronunciation of verbs in the past simple.
Enjoy :)


lovely chart from: https://7esl.com/pronunciation-of-ed/

Saturday 2 May 2020

Happy. Pharrell Williams

Hello a todos 

Os copio un link de un himno a la felicidad

At this time, you have to be high spirited, and think positive, this will end soon and little by little we return to normal, which in the end are the little things: take a walk, go out with friends, go to the theater, do a weekend getaway, hug, ... …

En estos momentos, hay que tener el animo alto, y pensar en positivo, esto va a acabar pronto y poco a poco volveremos a la normalidad, que al final son las cosas pequeñas como pasear, salir con los amigos, ir al teatro, hacer una escapada de fin de semana, abrazar, ……

A. Martínez (A2.1)

Thursday 30 April 2020

Tuesday 28 April 2020

It's my Life. Bon Jovi

Petri A2.1

I was there last year.

Monday 27 April 2020

Don't Worry Be Happy. Bob Marley

A2.1 Evelyn
I like letter the a music because before situation diffilcult.... DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY 

Thank you.

Sunday 26 April 2020

Saturday 25 April 2020

Shiny Happy People.R.E.M.

Celia C2.1

Just hearing the background music you can feel a really good vibe on it, and it is perfect. I remember listening to it in the car with my parens when I was little and we were going on vacation. It is like a super happy and lively song to cheer you up. 

Solo escuchando la música de la canción puedes sentir el buen rollo en ella, y es perfecta. Recuerdo escucharla de pequeña en el coche con mis padres de camino a las vacaciones. Es una canción muy alegre para animarte.