Proyecto de blog de aula para alumn@s y profesor@s

Saturday 17 December 2016

Grammar and vocabulary: songs

Here you are a compilation of songs you have suggested, thanks a lot for your great ideas! For PAST SIMPLE PRACTICE have a look at AC/CD and Nirvana (thanks David!! excellent choices!) This beautiful songs includes the verb GIVE UP. In this song it means "rendirse"(NEVER GIVE UP = nunca te rindas). It can also mean "dejar" (GIVE UP SMOKING = dejar de fumar). Thank you Mario! such a great artist to explore... Last but not least, here you are an example of verb HOLD, which can mean a lot of different things (click here to find out). In this particular song, "I want to hold your hand", it means "coger, agarrar, sostener". Can you guess the group :P

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