Proyecto de blog de aula para alumn@s y profesor@s

Wednesday, 12 December 2018


Navidades sostenibles y ecológicas: este año en vez de decorar un árbol de navidad... VAMOS A PLANTAR UN ÁRBOL! En colaboración con AULAGA - ECOLOGISTAS EN ACCIÓN DE Pinto https://www.facebook.com/ecologistas.en.accion.pinto/
Vamos a reutilizar briks de casa para que sean las macetas de nuestros arbolitos... quieres saber cómo se preparan? Mira los videos que han preparado nuestros alumnos, leyendo los códigos QR de nuestro cartel o... mira los vídeos en la web de la escuela!

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Monday, 19 November 2018

Revision and practice: NUMBERS and THE ALPHABET

Here you are some links for revision and practice:






And below, you can practice numbers and spelling:


Thursday, 8 November 2018

Conditional sentences questions

If you were given a one-minute, private meeting with the president, what would you tell  him?

If you had to kill off one relative, who would it be?

What did you study at school / university? What other options did you have? Explain them to your group.

Do you remember the interview for your job? What would have happened if you hadn’t got it?

If you have a partner how did you meet? How could things have happened differently?

Think of an important exam you passed or failed in the past, how could things have happened differently?

What would you have done this week if you’d had more time? Why?

What would you have done last year if you’d had more money?

 Think of a time when someone helped you with something, what would you have done without their help?

Think of a time when you helped someone, what would they have done without your help?

Think of big decisions you have made in your life related to work / studying / family, how could things have happened differently? How could things be different now?

Monday, 22 October 2018

Tuesday, 25 September 2018


Feel free to share your inheritance tracks!

Hecho con Padlet

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Speaking test advice

Hi there!
Please visit the links below to get some useful advice for your speaking test:



Saturday, 17 March 2018

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Monologue: LEARNING

Get inspiration here:

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Richard Hunter's theatre group... and Juan Pablo!

Well done all of you! it was a lovely evening ;)

For a slide show with some memorable moments, you can go to:

And here you are some seconds of the great hit "Clementine" XD

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Wednesday, 7 February 2018


Stress: A global epidemic?

When people say they can't handle stress, they mean they can't handle responsibility. Do you agree?

- What circumstances stress you the most?
- How do you know you're suffering from stress?
- Do you think alternative medicines can help you cope with stress?

Monday, 22 January 2018


What’s the best way to find deals on travel?
If you had to immigrate to another country, where would you go? Why?
What is the stereotype of your nation’s citizens?
Do you usually travel light?
Do you like packaged holiday tours?
Do you prefer visiting places which are off the beaten tracks?
When in Rome, do as the Romans” — do you agree with this idea?
If you could only pack five things for a trip to an unknown place, what would you take?
Is there a place that you’d never visit again?
What are some common travel scams? Have you been the victim of a travel scam?
What do you think of tacky souvenirs?

Tuesday, 9 January 2018