Dear NA2 students,
Please have a look at the article below and match the definitions with the words in blue
(source: http://www.examiner.com)
Family is a concept which has become increasing difficult to define. The idea of what a family is can differ from person to person. There was a time when a family was strictly defined as two parents (mother and father), their biological children, and extended relatives. Today, the family dynamic is considerably more complicated and its boundaries can seem endless.
If one were to open photo albums of a dozen families in 1955, and compare them to families in 2009; there would be a considerably different look to the individuals and the roles they play. Step-parents are almost as numerous as biological parents. Step-siblings, half-siblings, and all the corresponding relationships and associations, can be overwhelming and confusing. There may be difficulty in finding a name for some of the relationships due to the newness of the phenomenon of the blended family. There may be a great deal of confusion surrounding the new idea of family. For instance, what does an adult child call their new relatives? How far-reaching do these new extended relationships go? Extended family can include step-grandparents, step-aunts and uncles. How is an adult child supposed to refer to the mother of their half-siblings? There is no limit to the possibility for confusion and discomfort.
Adult children may find these transitions and new relationships especially difficult to absorb and integrate into their lives. They may have their own families and a full spectrum of activities and issues to deal with. Parents divorcing and dating others can be difficult for adult children to accept or understand. Remarriage can bring extreme feelings as well. Add to that, half-siblings, who are as young as their own children, can be a source of embarrassment or resentment. The ability to accept a remarriage after the death of a parent, and the subsequent introduction of step-siblings may seem impossible. Not having grown up with step-siblings can make them feel like complete strangers, who are suddenly expected to be a family.
Whether it is through divorce and remarriage, or the death of a parent; adult children may feel resentful and disconnected from their parent and the new spouse. Being an adult does not insulate one entirely from the complicated feelings and mixed-emotions which accompany these situations. It may be painful to discuss feelings with family members; and the desire to avoid the new family dynamic may cause rifts or periods of no communication. In some cases, this need for distance can alleviate itself. Time and space is often necessary for adult children to adjust to the new environment. Each person and each family will have their own way to handle and cope with familial changes.
Becoming a step-grandparent can present its own difficulties as well. When adult children marry a person with children, it can be uneasy for the children and the adults to forge the role of step-grandparent. As with most situations, honest discussion and sincere kindness can help to work through the initial period of awkwardness, and transition beautifully into a loving relationship.
Parents of adult children should reach out with love and honesty to with their children, and step-children, and find ways to blend the families reasonably and sensibly for all concerned. There are resources and literature on the subject; and professional counseling may be beneficial for those who are experiencing prolonged detachment from their family members.
DEFINITIONS1. a social unit consisting of two previously married parents and the children of their former marriages
2. an open break in a prevhttp://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=7496744729898497750iously friendly relationship
3. a feeling of anger due to a real or imagined injury or offense.
4. a line or something else that marks a limit or border.
5. to make (something false) or imitate (something genuine) for purposes of deception or fraud; esp., to counterfeit (a check, signature, etc.)
6. astonishing
7. to make something easier to deal with or endure
8. clumsiness or embarassement
9. having a wide range, extent, influence, or effect
10. to set apart; detach from the rest; isolate or separate
You can check your definitions in this dictionary. Also, you can listen to the words!